The Big 3: Branding, Marketing & Communications


The “BIG 3”: Brand, Marketing & Communications are critical to the success of a company, they must work together and have clear, deliberate strategies and programs attached to each.

Often, companies may get caught up in Brand work, and fall short when it comes to building and executing Marketing Strategy & Communications Programs. They may launch something, focused solely on a new initiative, a product, project or brand, then fall back into doing nothing. Wondering why sales goals may not have been met.

Because in the end, there was no Marketing or Communications Strategy developed. Blurring the lines and confusing the role of Brand, Marketing and Communications, developing projects without clear strategies. Some may argue different tools and tactics fit in different buckets, or that more need to be added - a debate with many in this field. Yes, there are other tactics and tools. This is a simplified look at most. 

When looking to define where you want to go, and how to get there: consider the right mix of Branding, Marketing, PR, Communications & Content.

Ultimately it’s pulling things back to - what are you looking to achieve and why? With who? And where? 

Each of the “BIG 3” are essential foundation to any business.

Don’t overlook any of them.


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